6 Ways To Support The Women In Your Life

6 Ways To Support The Women In Your Life
Happy International Women's Day!

A day that celebrate's women's achievements and also brings attention to the inequalities that still exist amongst men and women.
How can you empower women and celebrate this movement? 
Regardless of your gender, offering support to the women in your own life is a great place to start. 

Image via Instagram @mikaylaklewer

6 ways that you can support the women you know

1. Create environments for women to take up space

Let's be honest, we're more likely to show up, use our voice and embody our fullest expression when we feel we're in a safe and inviting space that allows us to do so. If you're leading an event or a group of any sort- make it known that women are welcomed and appreciated. This may look like asking women their thoughts on a matter and acknowledging the importance of this view, having other women present at the event or simply creating a space that feels welcoming and non- discriminatory.  

2. Be transparent with one another

Let's get into the habit of being honest about our own experiences when discussing them with other women. This means we don't set unrealistic expectations or comparisons. Being vulnerable with our own circumstances can allow other women to know that they aren't alone and that their experiences are completely normal. This isn't to say we have to over-share or pretend our life is negative so another women feels better- but when we feel that a share is truthful and is going to be helpful in supporting another woman, let them in.

3. Help a new Mum

Women are powerful, one of the amazing ways we see these superpowers is when women become Mums and take on all the responsibilities that come with this.
To help support Mums in the transition to motherhood, you could:
Drop off a home cooked meal, help with the family pet, bring her a present, ask if she'd like anything from the grocery store or just a general check-in message to show that you're there for her. 

4. Tell or show them that you care

A small random act of kindness can make a bigger impact than you know. A simple message expressing your gratitude for someone could make their day, or simply asking 'how can i support you right now?' let them know they're supported and cared for.

5. Collaborate, don't compete

When we come from a place of love, abundance and collaboration, we can all achieve much more than coming from a place of lack and competition. Use thoughts of jealousy or competition as a moment to reflect on why you're feeling this way, and see if you can shift onto feeling inspired and knowing that their successes are a reflection of what you too can achieve. Remember that supporting another's success won't ever dampen your own. 

6. Compliment them for more than just physical attributes

In a culture that often emphasises appearance, it can become a natural instinct to say 'you look pretty' or 'your hair looks nice today', whilst these aren't necessarily bad things- make a conscious effort to also compliment women for other attributes. This could look like pointing out to your colleague something that they do really well, or how courageous and brave your friend is after going through an experience. This reminds women that their worth is not dependant on what you see on the outside.


At Byron Bay Bronze, we are committed to uplifting and empowering all women by:

Teaming up with and supporting other small businesses that involve women

Working with and promoting women on all of our platforms, whilst also providing a space that is body positive and judgment-free

To share resources and guidance that uplifts and supports women
Here's to the women in our lives! May we all aim to help them feel better supported and represented not only this International Women's Day, but every day. 

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